
Night Attack on a Coastal City is the fourth mission in Air Combat. Recently, the presence of civilian elements has prevented loyalist forces from attacking the town of Donet City. However, a recent evacuation of the city has allowed high command to establish a strategy to assault targets within the city's perimeter. Hence, the player is tasked with staging a night assault on Donet City and emancipating the region from enemy forces in doing so. In addition, the player is given the chance to fly alongside a wingman.

Mission Briefing

"Up until now, our offensive missions have been constrained by the presence of civilians in Donet City. A recent evacuation of that city permits us to engage hard targets within the city perimeter. Target 1: Computer communications center. Target 2: Enemy Headquarters building. Night conditions should neutralize enemy ground fire. However, the city has at least three interceptors available. We have no intelligence on force composition. From now on you will have a wingman assigned to you. Inform him of the operation before departure. Good luck!"



  • 3 x Ground


  • 2x TNDF-2 (Rookie) - $30,000
  • 2x F-4 (Rookie) - $10,000
  • 2x MIG-31 (Rookie) - $50,000
  • 1x F-15 (Rookie) - $40,000
  • 4x RAH-66 (Hard mode only) - $20,000
  • 10 x Ground


  • Money: $7,000,000
  • Unlock: Wingman - Rhio, F-4 (repainted green).

